Seis Manos, the groundbreaking American Mexican Anime series, set in 70s America and produced by Brad Graeber and Alvaro Rodriguez under Powerhouse Animation, made its debut on Netflix on October 3, 2019. The series captivated audiences with its fusion of far east fighting, mystical spells, and an arcade-inspired art style, making it a unique and enjoyable production.
However, despite the initial acclaim, there has been no official announcement regarding the production of a second season. Fans, eager for more, have taken to to campaign for its renewal.
The likelihood of a second season hinges on the financial success and popularity of the first season. Although Seis Manos is less popular than other Netflix anime like The Dragon Prince and Violet Evergarden, it is not completely devoid of a chance for a second season. A comparable example is Blood of Zeus, produced around the same time as Seis Manos, which gained substantial popularity and was renewed for a second season.
While the probability of Seis Manos season two remains uncertain, enthusiasts remain optimistic. If a second season is greenlit, it may be expected to release sometime around 2023 or 2024.
As for the plotline of the hypothetical second season, it is anticipated to follow the continuation of the revenge-driven narrative set in motion by the tragic death of the characters’ coach, Balde. The orphans, affected by Balde’s demise, will rise to reclaim the streets in the wake of his madness. The series will likely explore the consequences of Balde’s actions and the mission undertaken by his boss, Larry, to reclaim control. The second season will serve as a continuation of the gripping storyline, leaving viewers eager for what unfolds next.
While a trailer for Seis Manos season two has not been released yet, it is expected to be unveiled approximately one month before the season’s release, offering a tantalizing glimpse into the upcoming episodes. Fans are advised to stay tuned for any updates regarding the potential renewal and release of Seis Manos season two.