Do you manage to go between breakfast and lunch, and lunch and dinner without your stomach rumbling, dear readers? Nearly no one gets through the day without a little snack in between. Unfortunately, these snacks we indulge in ‘on the side’ are often high in sugar and calories—such as energy bars, cakes, chocolate, and even that large latte. These numerous calories scattered throughout the day can hinder achieving or maintaining your desired weight, as they push the overall calorie balance higher.
Why you should ideally avoid snacks
For weight loss, three meals a day are ideal. Between meals, your digestion should be given some rest. Having five small portions a day means the body rarely gets breaks in its digestive work and requires energy for it, which it lacks elsewhere.
Additionally, insulin is constantly released, preventing the body from tapping into its fat stores.
Why do you want a snack?
If we’re honest, a rumbling stomach is rarely the reason we snack on something.
Often, snacks are thought to help overcome morning or afternoon slumps. However, snacks don’t do much for that because they burden digestion and make you even more tired—see the previous point. Instead of eating without thinking, consider the reasons for your morning or afternoon slump: Are you sleeping too little? Not taking enough breaks? Are breakfast and lunch too small or too rich? Best tip for battling fatigue: Take a short break outdoors, even if it’s just opening a window.
Stress and frustration also make us quickly reach for unhealthy snacks. Breaking this unconscious mechanism isn’t easy. Especially in stress situations, the body signals an increased need for energy.
Last but not least, it’s often habits that lead us to the candy box or, in the evening, the bag of chips. Snacking like this has nothing to do with appetite or hunger.
Snacks for Weight Loss: My Top 5
Snacks should provide nutrients, make you feel full, and keep blood sugar levels steady. Therefore, I strongly advise against sugary snacks. This includes dried fruits and energy bars. If you crave something sweet, opt for a handful of berries or an apple instead. They provide valuable fiber with less sugar content.
Snacks for Weight Loss: Almonds
A handful of unpeeled almonds is an excellent healthy snack. Their high protein and fiber content quickly satisfy hunger. It’s important to chew almonds very well, as otherwise, they are difficult to digest. Due to their high content of unsaturated fatty acids, almonds also help lower cholesterol levels. And lastly, they are pure nerve food because of their high magnesium and vitamin E content. Important: Almonds should be unpeeled and neither roasted in fat nor salted or flavored in any way.
Snacks for Weight Loss: Boiled Egg
Hardly any snack is easier to prepare than boiled eggs. And hardly any snack helps you achieve your weight loss goals as much! Eggs, due to their high protein content, make you feel very full. Many studies also show that meals prepared with eggs increase feelings of fullness and reduce the calorie intake of later meals.
Snacks for Weight Loss: Water and Tea
If fatigue or vague appetite make you dream of a snack, start with drinking a large glass of water. The liquid stretches the stomach, signaling a feeling of fullness to the brain. A cup of tea helps during the afternoon slump. Choose mixtures with white or green tea, for example. They make you feel more awake in a gentler and more sustained way than coffee and also contain valuable antioxidants and secondary plant substances.
I’ve developed the tea line ‘Naturverliebt’ together with Tee Gschwendner—maybe you’ll find a new favorite tea too!
Snacks for Weight Loss: Natural Yogurt
Low-fat natural yogurt is high in protein and keeps you full for a long time, making it an ideal snack. The lactic acid bacteria in this dairy product help maintain a balanced gut flora. Additionally, yogurt contains a lot of calcium, which protects the bones. A small portion of natural yogurt (150 grams) in between meals helps to calm the stomach until the next main meal.
Snacks for Weight Loss: Vegetables
Vegetable sticks taste fresh and provide fiber. Since you need to chew vegetables well, it gives the impression of a proper small meal—a psychological effect that ensures longer satiety. Combine several types of vegetables for a diverse snack. For example, celery, carrots, cucumbers, and radishes are suitable for transport.
With these five snacks, you can indulge without a guilty conscience in between. Finally, a tip for afternoon refreshment: Brush your teeth after lunch (wait for an hour). The minty taste of toothpaste refreshes and reduces the craving for sweets. This way, you benefit both your teeth and your figure.